Vanessa Garcia
October 27, 2009
Ragdoll Angels Prognosis
Design Goals
Audience(age, attention, details)
- The primary audience for Ragdoll Angels are cat lovers between the ages of 20-40yrs and predominantly female that are looking to adopt a cat or kitten.
- The audience has more than likely already owns a pet or has previously owned a pet and want a purebred cat.
Amount of reading
- The site is primarily made up of images because the audience is looking for a pet. Amount of reading should be very limited and emphasized on the names and possible descriptions of the cats.
Information Message
- The message of the site is that they are personal pure-breeders who are looking for caring owners to adopt their cats.
- Some research into the Ragdoll breed has suggested that these cats are more social than most and are loyal to their owners, often wanting a lot of attention.
- Cats also display a sense of elegance, which is what the site tries to portray.